ByLaws 2024-25

PURPOSE: To provide for the whole person through Christian recreation and fellowship. Everyone should conduct themselves with behavior conducive to Christian principles. The CBA Executive Board (consisting of representatives from Ebenezer ARP, Neelys Creek ARP, New Kirk Baptist, First ARP, and St. Johns United Methodist) is the governing board of the league. 


Coaches and Church Representatives are responsible for assuring that players meet all eligibility requirements. Violations will result in the forfeiture of all games in which the ineligible player(s) participated, or a re-designation of the team to Outreach. Coaches and Church Representatives are also responsible for the conduct and sportsmanship of all players, parents and members of their coaching staff.

Note: Coaches must be a Church member. 

*1-The league shall consist of the following divisions:
  • Biddy: boys and girls combined, (3 groups: 7 and under, and ages 8 and 9.
  • Mite Boys: age 12 and under.
  • Junior Boys: age 15 and under.
  • Senior Boys: age 18 and under and still in high school.
    • Exception: students who graduate early are eligible.
  • Girls age 13 and under.
  • Girls age 18 and under and still in high school.
    • Exception: students who graduate early are eligible.
September 1 is the cutoff date for determining divisions. For example: If a player's 13th birthday is after September 1; they would play in the Mite Division. If the player's 13th birthday is on or before September 1, they must play in the Junior Division. Teams that are found with such players will be considered an Outreach Team. See Outreach Team bylaw #32.

*2-A player may "play up" in an older division but may only play in one division. Teams that are found with a player that is playing in two divisions, the team that he is playing out of age will be considered an Outreach Team. See Outreach Team bylaw #32.

*3-If a player is a member of a Church that fields a team in the CBA, the player is not eligible to play on another Church's team. Teams that are found with such player(s) will be considered an Outreach Team. See Outreach Team bylaw #32.

*4-If a player's name appears on a School or Church School team's FINAL roster for one game, the player is not eligible to play in the CBA that season. Please note: A player who, because of personal preferences, decides not to play for the school after appearing on the final roster is not eligible to play in the CBA that season.  Teams that are found with such player(s) will forfeit all games prior to his/her discovery and must be removed from the team. 


*5-Each team may have three (3) outsiders---non church member. A player may be considered a "member" if the player or parents are members of the Church or the player is indicated on the Church Sunday School or Youth Group roll as REGULARLY attending throughout the year. All others are considered outsiders. Teams that are found with such player(s) will be considered an Outreach Team. See Outreach Team bylaw #32.

*6-Each team, on or before their first game, submits a player roster, waiver of liability, and a coaches' pledge to the scorer's table or league director. Thereafter, teams should submit a scoresheet before each game. If these forms are not turned in at or before the first game, the game may be forfeited. The player roster must be signed by the coach(es) and the Church Representative. After this time, no new players may be added to a team's roster without league approval. It is the responsibility of each coach to verify all information and submit the roster to the scorer's table.

7-Teams within a division will play a schedule of seven (7) games over the course of the season, however, teams may be scheduled to play two games on any given day. One week will be available for makeup games due to inclement weather however, if there are no issues,  then tournament would begin the next available week following the conclusion of the regular season. If the week is used for weather, then the tournament will begin next available week. If more than one week of the season is altered due to inclement weather, those games will not be made up. Note: the schedule only provides for one week of weather, however the season may be extended or cancelled. Teams will be seeded for a single-elimination tournament to determine division and runner up champions. Seeding will be based upon the following: 1) win/loss record, 2) head to head, 3) coin toss. If more than two teams have identical records, seeding will be determined by a coin toss. Brackets will be determined based upon the number of teams within a division. The length of tournament is determined by the number of teams within a division. Please note: Biddy division and OUTREACH TEAMS will play a schedule of eight (8) games in an eight week period, there are no biddy bye dates. There is no Biddy nor OUTREACH TOURNAMENT. OUTREACH TEAMS will play the next highest OUTREACH finishing team for their 8th game. 

8-Plaques or trophies will be awarded to the following in the Mite, Junior and Senior divisions:

  • Division Tournament Champion.
  • Division Tournament Runner up.
  • Overall Church Sportsmanship.

*Note: Eligibility limitations are not applicable to the Biddy division.


9-All players must have similar jerseys for games that begin in January. No player will play without a similar jersey. It is recommended that numbers be on the front and the back of their jerseys. Front numbers are recommended to be a minimum of 4 inches and the rear number 6 inches. NOTE: No player will be allowed to participate with numbers formed by tape. If a player is found to have played in violation of uniform bylaw the game will be forfeited once discovered.

10-Jewelry is not permissible i.e. necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, etc. Even when they are taped, they are not permissible. Exception: Medical alert jewelry providing it is taped to the body.

11-Hard, unyielding braces or casts are not allowed on any part of the elbow to the fingers even if covered and/or padded.


12-The focus of the biddy division is a teaching and learning experience; however, as players advance through the different biddy divisions more should be expected of them and coaches. Coaches are permitted to be on the court for the 7 and under biddy divisions for teaching purposes only.  In Biddy games, the scoreboard is to be reset at the end of each quarter. No winner is declared.

13-Officiating: one or two officials supplied by the Church host. Officials are encouraged to call fouls and violations that are appropriate to the division. Individual fouls are not documented; however, at the referees' discretion a player may be replaced for a time for a coach to address aggressive play, multiple fouling or violations committed.   

14-Defense: Teams must play zone defense with both feet behind the top of the key, three-point line or other markings that individual gyms may have near these boundaries. However, 7 and under defenses will require all defenders to have at least one foot in the lane. 

15-Goal height: 8 1/2 feet for the 7 and under and 10 feet for the 8 and 9 division.

16-Ball Size : Intermediate, though a Junior ball may be used for 7 and under division if available and agreed upon.

17-Games: Biddy games are scheduled for Friday nights, times will be 5:30, 6:15, 7:00, 7:45 PM & Saturdays based upon gym availability beginning at 9AM with additional games every 45     minutes*. All divisions will play four (4), five (5) minute periods with a regular clock. Team scores should be zeroed out after each period. Half-time will be five (5) minutes and there will be a one (1) minute break after the 1st and 3rd quarters. Teams may rotate between Ebenezer ARP,  Neelys Creek ARP, NewKirk Baptist, St. Johns, and First ARP. 

Please note: Games are scheduled one hour and fifteen minutes apart; therefore, it is imperative that the team arrive on time for scheduled game times. Also, please check schedules carefully as some teams may be asked to play more than one game per night for scheduling purposes. The coach or disignate for the HOME team will keep score for the following game if requested. 

*Scheduled times may be change. 

MITE BOYS, GIRLS 13 and under, and GIRLS 18 and under

Officiating: Two officials that are supplied by the league with a minimum of one high school league certified official, exception biddy games. The officials are to call the game in accordance with the National Federation of State High School Association rules. However, the officials, including gym managers have the authority to address any situation or incidents on or off the court that may arrive and have the authority based upon their discretion to stop play. 

Note: Incident reporting procedure: In the event of unsporting incidents; reports will be gathered by the league administrator from the officials, gym managers, coaches from the two teams involved and other witnesses. However, these reports are intentionally delayed in order to give participants time to reflect on the incident in total. The administrator will then provide a summary to the board on the incident with a recommendation of consequence if any. But it should be noted that the best way to avoid this procedure is not to have an incident. This is best accomplished by coaches being proactive. 

18-Defense: Both Mite Boys and Girls 13 and under are limited to half-court defense for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters. The defense cannot pick up the offense team until it crosses half court. Full court defense is allowed during the fourth quarter assuming the lead is less than 10 points. Girls 18 and under are allowed full-court defense the entire game assuming the lead is less than 10 points. 

Please note: Teams that are leading by 10 or more points must play a zone defense.

19-Ball Size: Intermediate for Girls divisions. Full Size for Mite Boys.

20-Games: All games with the possible exception of the playoffs will be played on Saturdays beginning at 9 AM and scheduled throughout the day at one-hour increments*. The team will be given a minimum of 5 minutes warm up prior to the beginning of the game. Games will not start prior to scheduled time unless both coaches agree to proceed. A team may start with no less than four (4) players and once the game starts can finish with as few as one player providing in the official's judgment that team still has a legitimate opportunity to win. Playing time will be four (4), five (5) minute periods with a regular clock. Half-time will be five (5) minutes and there will be a one (1) minute break after the 1st and 3rd quartersTeams may rotate between Ebenezer ARP,  NewKirk Baptist, Neelys Creek ARP, St. Johns, and First ARP. 

Please Note: Some teams may be scheduled for more than one game on any given Saturday to accommodate requested bye dates. Also, teams are responsible for practice/warm up balls before games. The coach or disignate for the HOME team will keep score for the following game if requested.  

*Scheduled times may be change. 


Senior Boys Team eligibility; Preseason coaches meeting may be called and only teams that have coaches in attendance will be eligible to participate---meetings will be announced via Facebook post and communicated to Church Representative. 

Officiating: Two officials that are supplied by the league with a minimum of one high school league certified official. The officials are to call the game in accordance with the National Federation of State High School Association rules. However, the officials, including gym managers have the authority to address any situation or incidents on or off the court that may arrive and address based upon their discretion up to stopping play.

Note: Incident reporting procedure: In the event of unsporting incidents; reports will be gathered by the league administrator from the officials, gym managers, coaches from the two teams involved and other witnesses. However, these reports are intentionally delayed in order to give participants time to reflect on the incident in total. The administrator will then provide a summary to the board on the incident with a recommendation of consequence if any. But it should be noted that the best way to avoid this procedure is not to have an incident. This is best accomplished by coaches being proactive. 

21-Defense: Junior and Senior Boys are allowed full-court defense the entire game assuming the lead is less than 15 points. 

Please note: Teams that are leading by 15 or more points must play a zone defense.

22-Ball Size: Full Size

23-Games: All games except for the playoffs will be played on Saturdays beginning at 9 AM and scheduled throughout the day at one-hour increments*. Team will be given a minimum of 5 minutes warm up prior to beginning of game. Games will not start prior to scheduled time unless both coaches agree to proceed. A team may start with no less than four (4) players and once the game starts can finish with as few as one player providing in the officials' judgment that team still has an legitimate opportunity to win. Playing time will be four (4), six (6) minute periods with a regular clock. Half-time will be three (3) minutes and there will be a one (1) minute break after the 1st and 3rd quarters. Teams may rotate between, Ebenezer ARP, NewKirk Baptist, Neely's Creek ARP, St. Johns and First ARP

Please Note: Some teams may be scheduled for more than one game on any given Saturday to accommodate requested bye dates. Also, teams are responsible for practice/warm up balls before games. The coach or disignate for the HOME team will keep score for the following game if requested. 

*Scheduled times may be change. 


24-Coaches and Church Representatives are also responsible for the conduct and sportsmanship of all players, parents, and members of their coaching staff. Teams must have a non-playing adult (coach) on the bench at all times. Only the head coach may stand during play for coaching purposes and if a coaching box is present remain there. A coach is not allowed to approach the scoring table at any time. If a perceived error has taken place, the coach may request a timeout and have the official to approach the scoring table to rectify. If an error is discovered the team will not be charged with a timeout; however if no error can be determined the timeout will be charged.

25-Teams will meet at center court and pray before the game and after each game; opening prayer will be led by the designated home team, closing prayer by the designated visiting team.
26-Games will begin on their scheduled starting time unless both coaches agree to start early. Teams will be afforded a grace period of no more than 5 minutes, if team or teams do not have enough players to begin, four (4). However, once a fourth player arrives, play will begin immediately. The grace period is not to allow certain players additional time to arrive. Once the game begins, a team may continue to play with as few as one (1) player, due to injury, sickness or fouling out provided that in the official judgment the team has a legitimate chance of winning.

The 27-Each game will begin with a jump ball. On all subsequent jump ball situations, teams will alternate possessions out of bounds beginning with the team that did not control the opening tip. Possessions will carry over to the second half. Overtime periods will begin with a jump ball. Overtime periods will be sudden death. The first team to score will be declared the winner; no time limit. 

28-Teams are allowed two (2) thirty (30) second timeouts per game; an additional timeout will be added to both teams for each overtime period played. 

29-Fouls: Once a player receives his fifth (5th) personal foul (technical and personal) the player is disqualified. Once a team receives their fifth (5th) team foul (technical and personal) in a quarter teams will shoot two free throws.  

Please note: A technical foul on a player counts toward the player's disqualification as well as team totals.

30-Technical Fouls: The following guidelines apply to technical fouls assessed against coaches and players:

Once an individual accumulates two (2) technical fouls for UNSPORTSMANLIKE conduct or two (2) technical fouls in one (1) game, that player will be removed from the game immediately and suspended for one additional game. However, coaches and players can be ejected immediately from a game following one Technical foul based upon the severity of the offense---official's discretion. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players, parents, and fans and will receive one (1) indirect technical foul for each incident of UNSPORTING conduct by any of the before mentioned groups. Coaches who accumulate three (3) indirect technical fouls will be removed from a game immediately and will be suspended indefinitely till a review of the incident takes place. Coaches and/or players who are disqualified from two games will be suspended for the remainder of the season, including playoffs. 

Fighting will not be tolerated. Fighting is a flagrant act and can occur when the ball is dead or live. Fighting includes but is not limited to combative acts such as an attempt to strike, punch or kick by using a fist, hands, arms, legs or feet regardless of whether contact is made. An attempt to instigate a fight by committing an unsporting act that causes a person to retaliate by fighting. All individuals involved in fighting will be suspended for the remainder of the season, including the playoffs upon review. 

Please note: the penalty for all DIRECT technical fouls are 2 shots and the ball at the division line opposite the table. However, when multiple technical fouls occur only the non-offsetting technical foul(s) will be shot. 


31-Churches will be allowed to combine teams when it is impossible for a church to field a team on its own. The CBA Board believes that a merger of churches (rather than using the outsider rule to farm players out separately) is the best course of action; however, a combined team must be properly identified prior to the season beginning and receive league approval. When churches combine teams, they have the same rights as any other team in the CBA. But when churches combine to form a team, no outsiders are permitted. 

Please note: When it is impossible for a church to field a team, even though a merger, the league reserves the right to form a league team. 


32-Outreach teams are any team that does not meet all eligibility bylaws (See bylaws 1-6). Outreach teams play a regular-season schedule and one final game (TBD). All wins and losses will count. 


33-A team which forfeits three (3) games, will be considered removed from the league for the remainder of the season. The league will attempt to reschedule other games where possible to fill voids created by this situation.  There will be no refund of fees paid. 

Fighting will not be tolerated. Team or teams engaged in a fight will be subject to removal from the league. Taunting an opponent is an act of aggression and will be treated in the same manner as fighting. Teams that are not removed will be placed on probation. Teams removed from the league will forfeit all league entry fees. 

Host Management and/or game officials may stop and forfeit a game at any time if warranted due to unsporting behavior.  


CBA game officials have the authority to decide on anything that happens outside of the stated bylaws. The CBA adheres to the SC High School League rules, some exceptions are listed in our bylaws. The CBA board has the authority to address, change and implement bylaws at any time.

The CBA Executive Board is composed of the following individuals:

  • Ebenezer ARP                           Adam Hare
  • Mt. Holly United Methodist    Buddy Reeves           
  • New Kirk Baptist                      LeeAnn Seay 
  • Neely's Creek ARP                    Scott Walker
  • First ARP                                  Barry Adickes
  • St. John's United Methodist     Matt Bell
  • Treasurer                                  Steve Crump
  • Administrator                           Fred Jordan