Team Entry Form 2024-25

Church Name_______________________________________________________________

DIVISION**                    NUMBER OF TEAMS            X ENTRY FEE         =AMOUNT DUE

BIDDY  (Under 7)                                                              $195.00                                                

BIDDY (8 and 9)                                                                $195.00                                                 

MITE BOYS                                                                       $350.00                                                 

GIRLS 13 and under                                                           $350.00                                                  

JUNIOR BOYS                                                                   $375.00                                                  

GIRLS 18 and under                                                            $350.00                                                   

SENIOR BOYS                                                                  $375.00                                                    

                                                                                 TOTAL DUE                  $                                
**See CBA Bylaws for eligibility criteria. Failure to comply with all bylaws may result in forfeiture of funds. Registration and Checks must be received no later than Friday November 22nd. Please make checks payable to:

Christian Basketball Association
C/O Fred Jordan
1010 Meadowlark Drive
Rock Hill, SC. 29732

CONFLICT DATES: Please list any conflicts that may apply for any team (i.e. ski trip or other church related activity). Every effort will be made to grant ONE REQUEST for a "bye" date; however it may not be feasible to accommodate each and every request. If the request date is not requested prior to the completion of the schedules, the date will not be considered for a bye. Also, no request will be considered during playoffs.

TEAM/DIVISION                                                 DATE



